Innuos PULSAR streamer

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The new Innuos PULSE series brings you the Innuos experience whether you want to mostly play music from streaming services like Qobuz or TIDAL or whether you just want another zone in your home connected to your main music server.

The PULSAR is the star of our PULSE Series. Sporting a full bead-blasted and anodised high-grade aluminium chassis yet the best is still reserved for the inside.

Packing a custom ARC6 module with Active Rectification, over 130000µF of Mundorf Capacitors, a Mundorf Output Cap, a large high-end inductor and a massive 300VA audio-grade toroidal transformer.

Instead of SPDIF and AES/EBU outputs, the PULSAR offers an optimised USB output to take sound quality to a whole new level by incorporating a PhoenixUSB Lite Reclocker.

The innuOS Operating System’s SSD is also upgraded to a SLC (Single-Level Cell) module, as opposed to the more common TLC (Triple-Level Cell) for the best durability and lower operating power noise.

The PhoenixUSB Lite board and SSD are powered by 2 independent CX Regulator Modules with Audionote KAISEI capacitors for a smooth yet fast and detailed sound.

Overall, the PULSAR will deliver you a large, deep soundstage with incredible instrument separation and true-to-life sound textures that brings true musical emotion to your home. Listen to what you have been missing!

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